2:45 PM | 0 Comments

Environmental Geek Guide Source List:

Oakleigh Thorne: oakleigh.thorne@colorado.edu "For Kids"

Rob Baer: rbaer@resourceyard.org (more sources tomorrow) "Recycled Goods"

Fiona Maria Simon "Events" (contact info coming) "Events"

Bryce Isaacson 303-444-2037 "Grub"

7:00 PM | 0 Comments

Per the Monday 6/22/09 Environmental Geek Guide meeting:
  • Color scheme: greens, yellows, blues, browns. Light backgrounding with darker text.
  • Logo to be created and existing photos uploaded on Wednesday. Farmer's Market reporting(for "Events" highlighted story) to follow meeting.
  • Layout, scope and scale discussed. Questions concerning inclusively still looming. Where do we draw the line? What's "organic," "local," "relevant" and "timely"?
  • Questions for Rick regarding Web space, video length and usability. *Note to ask him for 15-20 minutes of his time following Friday's class.
  • Spoke about disclaimers--event times subject to change.
  • Personal To Do lists compiled.
Time and skill sets still presenting barriers--but, what's done is done come next Wednesday. However, maintaining the Web site throughout the summer is a priority.

*Need to learn how to create a photo slide show and create links from images to stories (think that we have the skills to do the later, however, having Rick around and time in class to work through this would be a PLUS!

Personally grappling with highlighted story for the "recycled goods" section of the site. E-mailing potential sources tonight.

-- Jessie
I've found some maps that we can use for our Outdoors section. I want to have a listing of 'hiking hot spots' and links to maps.

So far the areas I'll be highlighting are:

Marshall Mesa
Shanahan Ridge
Wonderland Lake
Mt Sanitas

I also found listings of what events are taking place at NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab) and NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) during July and August.

For NREL it looks like there are a couple talks in July-- but the site warns they may be rescheduled. There are no events in August.

At NCAR, there are 4 events listed in July, but none in August.

For our Food section, I've found a list that details what foods can be composted in the curbside bins. Since we're highlighting this as a story, I'd like to make some kind of graphic from this information.

Jessie and I also plan on heading to the Farmer's Market Wednesday night to do some reporting. I'm also hoping to interview a ranger at the Chautauqua station this week to find out some Mountain Lion and bear tips.


12:40 PM | 0 Comments

The Environmental Geek Guide

Sarah Curry, environmental journalism graduate student; sarah.curry@colorado.edu
Jessie Lucier, environmental journalism graduate student; jessicca.lucier@colorado.edu

The Environmental Geek Guide is a Web site detailing Summer '09 environmental events and issues in the Boulder area.

Scope: Local events, environmentally/scientifically based stories
Scale: Events in July and August

Division of labor is split. Specific stories/sections assigned. A lot of collaborative work.

A highlighted story for each of the following sections:

  • Home page: Farmer's Market
  • Events: TBD
  • Food: Composting
  • For Kids: Thorne Ecological Institute
  • Recycled Goods: TBD
  • Outdoors: Hiking, mountain lion awareness, map of "hiking hot spots"
  • Resources: No story
Calender pages for July and August with events listed and links.

Media Considerations: Home page slide show with links to relevant stories; photographs to accompany stories; map; video TBD

Barrier: TIME!
